The First Screen- Smartphones
on Apr 10, 2018
65%+ of people are reading this blog on a mobile. Considering this statistic, should this webpage be designed for the mobile or the desktop?
If your answer is desktop, you don’t need to read the blog further. For all others, here is how you need to optimize your digital presence.
Gone are the days when mobile phones were used only for calls, texts or social media. According to stats, around 79% of people use their smartphones for reading emails which is a higher percentage than those who use it for making calls. We stand at a crescendo where the ‘phone’ aspect of the mobile phone is not its primary function anymore.
The next gen has brought the entire web into a small cloud which can be accessed, literally, from your pocket.
Do you know how many mobile web users exist worldwide? OVER 1.2Billion!
Instead of being the second screen, mobile has become the first point of access with almost two-third of the traffic coming from it. Some brands are still stuck with the idea of segregating mobile apps for mobile and a computer screen first website for the desktop. However, for us, the era of mobile apps and computer first websites is over!
Did you know, 33% of consumers start mobile research with a branded website while only 26% use mobile app for the same. This makes mobile the primary source for branded marketing.
We all have been there when we try to open a website on our smartphones and a) it just takes forever to load b) after taking forever to load, a very poor looking website opens on our mobile screen. Research tells that 57% of users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly-designed mobile site. Google takes it a step further and states that 61% of users are unlikely to return to a mobile site they had trouble accessing, and 40% visit a competitor’s site instead.
It is time for a seamless 360-degree experience through mobile first websites. Though, this is not the first time that the phrase ‘mobile-first website’ has been used. The concepts of graceful degradation and responsive web design have been there for almost a decade now. The notion of responsive web design however, works along with the idea of mobile first website to create a platform built first for mobile and then further expanded for computer.
Almost 68% of companies have integrated mobile marketing into their overall marketing strategy. The most popular way that companies are using for the optimization is by creating a simple template that works for all designs.
Google took it a step further when it officially announced the rollout of mobile first indexing. With the aim to enrich user experience, Google will index the mobile version of the site/page, if available. If a mobile friendly site is not available, Google will load the page as it is.
This only highlights the importance of a mobile first website for brand marketing. Around 71% of marketers believe mobile marketing is core to their business.
Do you believe that too, now that we have reached the end of this blog? Well you know what to do. Contact us and become smarter than your smartphone! ;)
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