Reasons Why Lord Varys Should Be Your Content Strategist
on Sep 07, 2017

"Storms come and go, the big fish eat the little fish, and I keep on paddling."
The above statement defines the badassery level that is Lord Varys. The master of whisperers, a skilled manipulator and the one who commands a network of informants across two continents, here are reasons why every agency could use a Lord Varys as their content strategist.
Data, research and analytics oriented
Knowledge is power and his Little Birds provide him with a massive array of insights and data. This information is what makes him essential. As a content strategist, that’s what you need – an eye and ear for every detail.
Knows when to talk to when to shut up
Lord Varys understands the power of silence and the power of timing. As a content strategist, he will know about the occasions when the brand shouldn’t speak. This will make him the best person for brand reputation management.
Non-emotional and balanced
Lord Varys has no complicated relationships and hence has extremely low emotional quotient. He remains both neutral and highly mysterious when questioned about his agenda. As a content strategist, you want to come across as un-biased and hence more trustworthy.
Cares about ROI and results
“I serve the realm my lord, someone must.”
Focused, determined and goal-oriented, there is nothing that can pose as an obstacle for Lord Varys in his path to success.
Creates seasonality and trends
He doesn’t get stuck with an evil king. He is willing to change loyalties as the situation and welfare of masses demand. As a content strategist, he will be the perfect guy for moment marketing. Leveraging seasonality and trends, he will always keep you on the winning side.
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