Meet OMLogic at the Next Conference
on Oct 21, 2008
Since inception, OMLogic has been contributing to conferences worldwide in various forms: Online Marketing Partner, Blogging Partner or Speaker! Here is a list of some of the future conferences, where you can meet OMLogic founders:
TiEcon 2008 (Oct 22-24, 2008 | Delhi): OMLogic is the Online Marketing partner for this event. Using its expertise in Online Advertising, OMLogic helped TiE acquire new delegates for its annual event in addition to increasing its reach. OMLogic was also the online marketing partner for TiE Entrepreneurial Summit 2007, a Pan Asia event organized by TiE New Delhi.
Web Innovation 2008 (Dec 3-5, 2008 | Bangalore): Web Innovation is one of India's first and leading conference series on Web 2.0 Technology and Business. Like previous year, OMLogic will again help TFCI (organizers of the Web Innovation) acquire new delegates for its highly successful conference series. Also, OMLogic founders have been regularly speaking at Web Innovation.
PanIIT 2008 (Dec 19-21, 2008, Chennai): Pan IIT is IIT Alumni global conference. Attended by over 8000 delegates, Pan IIT is truly a global conference, which brings best minds together. OMLogic as 'Blogging Partner' for this conference will do live conference blogging to expand the reach and value of this conference beyond boundaries.
Please feel free to write to us at to let us know that you want to meet us!
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