Making Presentations: Don't Speak, Be Heard

on May 04, 2015
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Be it corporates or agencies, making PowerPoint presentations is an inevitable part of every working professional's job-list. Reports, pitches, plans - all these are compiled in slides and sent out to the respective recipients.

Make a Presentation



Sending mindless presentations however is neither recommended nor appreciated. Like every other communication, you don't just want to speak, but be heard. It's therefore important to learn the art of making impressive presentations. Here's what you need to know:

Your Audience

It is very important to know, for whom your presentation is meant.

There are two kinds of presentations.

  1. Where you are presenting in front of a live audience.
  2. When you are sending it to someone who'll read it at their own convenience.

There is also another kind of classification for presentations:

  1. Content driven
  2. Creative driven

Based on your audience and their preferences, you need to plan it all out.

The Design

A. Keep the body font simplistic and readable.

B. Headers can have decorative fonts

C. Use heavy contrast in your content and background.

D. Keep the text alignment to left or right. Centre is a big NO!

E. Avoid clutter. Keep it Neat.

Formatting and Finishing

Show one thing at a time. You don't want to confuse your audience.

  1. Add visuals to make a difference and keep the content light.
  2. Try not to have more than 3 points in one slide.

With these three main points in mind, collect all your ideas, draw an outline, prepare a script and finally make an awesome presentation. All the best!

Here's the presentation on the same. Do let us know your thoughts on it

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