IsMine – The Way We Work at OMLogic

on Feb 07, 2013

What comes to our mind when we think ‘Is Mine’? Maybe family, friends, our room, our car or our house. The things which we own are the ones for which we can proudly say “Is Mine”.

Company with is mine factor #IsMine

But do we think there is something called ‘Is Mine’ when it comes to our office, our work or work culture?

If you say no… I would say, there is a company where the ‘Is Mine’ factor does exist, where employees say ‘Is Mine’ to their work, office and work environment…. A company which believes in having fun@work, not just via parties, outings or picnics, but via creating a work culture that ensures that everyone has fun while working... A company which follows five very basic but essential and important values of Passion, Happiness/Joy, Empathy, Excellence and Trust…

A company which is one of the pioneers in Online Marketing and Social Media…. A company which is called OMLogic.

And, while I write this, I very proudly say that ‘OMLogic IsMine’!

Ankit Malik
Team OMLogic

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