Aakhir Kaise Lagi Osama Bin Laden ki Waat?

on May 18, 2011

Who killed Osama? How did he die? Is he actually dead? If someone paid a penny for how many times these questions have been asked, they would be billionaires.. We don't believe in any of the conspiracy theories going around, we actually believe Osama was found and killed while he was doing social shopping, getting discounts on some missiles and weapons.

We believe that for sure Osama Bin Laden would have been using Facebook or some other social networking website which helped US in locating him and helping him to rest in peace. Got it, maybe not in peace, but resting.

The moral of the story is if you want to stay out of sight, for whatever weird reason, don’t make yourself available anywhere. Especially on social networking websites. You are being watched, and will be caught (as Osama painfully realizes).

Therefore, we say “To stay hidden, STOP using Facebook, for everything else, contact OMLogic”.

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